Mercenary Dare Macintosh rescues Molly Alexander while rescuing the sister of his est friend from human traffickers. However, Molly is there for another reason. Molly decides not to go to the police, she decides to hire Dare to help her find out who had her taken and why. While at Walmart there is another attempt to capture her, but Dare is there to keep her safe. Dare has just decided this assignment has just become personal. He takes Molly to the safety of his house where he and/or his assistant Chris can keep an eye on her. Molly starts writing her next best seller while Dare looks into her father's where abouts. Dare and Molly decide to go back to Molly's house to find more clues, where everything began. While at her house, Molly's sister and boyfriend meet up with them. Dare rules them out as suspects. Dare and Molly make a meeting with Molly's dad and mother-in-law to get more questions answered. Dare and Molly make it back to Dare's house in time to have a show down with some unsavory characters and find the answers to the questions they've been asking.
Dare and Molly are both believable characters that draw you into their world of romance and suspense.
Fantastic Kirkus Review! Your opening and closing lines are solid and succinct, and your summary in the middle is eloquent and full of description. Full points!