Thursday, April 19, 2018

Prompt Response - Marketing Fiction- Week 15

There are several ways to effectively market a library’s fiction section.  One of the ways I like is to use a book display.  Creative book displays can easily grab patron’s attention and show them some of the things the library has to offer.  “A book display consisting of a small group of books and a descriptive sign is one of the most effective ways to promote and market parts of our collections.” (Saricks)
Another marketing idea that I like is to put short annotations of books on the Library’s web page, Facebook page, or library newsletters.  Saricks states, “Good annotations should be both informative and inviting.”

A third way of marketing fiction books would be through introducing them in a book club.   I think book clubs not only introduces you to fiction books they also introduce you to fiction writers. You may be introduced to only one book/author a month, however that author may have written more books for you to read and share with others.

Saricks, J. (2005) Promoting and marketing readers’ advisory collections and services. In Readers’ Advisory Service in the Public Library. Chicago: ALA. 136-160.


  1. Putting annotations on the website is a great idea! Does your library's website have a section dedicated to that? I think I'd have to fight for space to put something up on our website, but maybe it's something I could do through our social media channels. Starting a regular Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram post every week that features a title people might have missed... that might work in lieu of website space!

    1. I don't work at a library, but at my neighborhood library their website has annotation if you know where to look for them, they're kind of hidden.

  2. Fantastic ideas, albeit on the short side.
